Women in Leadership
As you can tell on our leadership page or if you listen to our sermons, we believe women are able to preach, teach, lead, hold offices, and make authoritative decisions in our church. Our church didn’t start with this belief, but we made this transition around 2015 after deep study and many conversations because we now believe that is what Scripture teaches. In the New Testament, women are seen serving as deacons/ministers, apostles, house church leaders, and evangelists. The first person to witness the resurrected Jesus and share the good news with others was Mary Magdalene. The first person to read Romans aloud and answer questions about it was a woman named Phoebe, called a deacon/minister by Apostle Paul (Rom. 16:1). A woman named Junia was a well-known apostle (Romans 16:7). A woman named Priscilla led a house church alongside her husband, Aquila (Rom. 16:3; 1 Cor. 16:19). Paul mentions Euodia and Synteche, two other women, as “co-laborers” who “contended at my side in the cause of the gospel” (Phil. 4:2-3). We take Scripture seriously when it says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).
Though women are different from men and thus will reflect those differences sometimes in how they lead in these roles, we definitely do not see the differences between men and women as making one gender better than the other in leading. And in fact, we see the differences that women bring as leaders as a gift to our male leaders and to our church. For more conversation or questions about this, please contact the elders.​